Earl Warren

Earl Warren


Significant Facts

Born: March 19, 1891
Died: July 9, 1974
Married: Nina Palmquist Meyers on October 4, 1925
Political Party: Republican


Father: Methias Warren
Mother: Crystal Hernlund
Wife: Nina Palmquist Meyers
Children: James (adopted son from first Ms. Meyer’s first marriage), Virginia, Earl, Jr., Dorothy, Nina and Robert

Find out more about the time period and interests of Earl Warren

Did You Know?

  • On July 15, 1945, Governor Warren moved his office to Columbia, CA for one day, where he signed a bill making Columbia a historic state park
  • As Chief Justice, Warren presided over the swearing in ceremonies of Presidents Eisenhower (in 1957), Kennedy (in 1961), Johnson (in 1965) and Nixon (in 1969)





Executive Orders and Proclamations