John Downey

7th Governor, LeCompton Democrat

Inaugural Address

Delivered: January 14, 1860


In entering upon the discharge of the responsible duties of the office of Chief Magistrate of the State, which have devolved upon me under the provisions of the Constitution, in consequence of the resignation of the Governor, I am painfully conscious of the want of that experience which is so necessary to a proper administration of the affairs of the Executive Department of the Government.

I should indeed hesitate to take upon myself the discharge of these duties, did I not rely with confidence upon your appreciation of the difficulties of my position, and your indulgent judgment upon my acts.

I can only give to you, gentlemen, and through you to the people of the State, the assurance, that the affairs of the government shall be administered with a rigid and just economy, and to the best of my abilities, with a due regard to the varied interests of the State.

The general policy which I propose to pursue is plainly and admirably indicated in the Inaugural Address of Governor Latham, and I hope that I shall be able so to discharge the trusts I have this day assumed as to receive your approbation, and that of our common constituency.